Reassurance Scan / Early Anatomy Ultrasound Scan

What is the early anomaly scan?

An early anomaly scan takes a close look at your baby and your womb (uterus) at about 14-19 weeks of pregnancy.

When can I have the early anomaly scan?

The early anomaly scan is performed between 14-19 weeks of gestation.

What does the early anomaly scan check for?

During the scan, we thoroughly examine the fetal body, paying special attention to the brain, face, spine, heart, stomach, bowel, kidneys, and limbs. As the baby is not yet fully developed at this stage, a follow-up anomaly scan will be recommended between 20 and 24 weeks.

If any abnormalities are detected the significance of the findings will be discussed and the patients will be given the opportunity to have further counselling with a consultant.

If you wish to know the sex or gender of your baby, this can typically be determined from 16 weeks onwards. Alternatively, the gender can be requested as part of the Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) results.

The NIPT also provides information about the likelihood of certain genetic conditions. If the NIPT indicates a high chance that the baby has trisomy 21, 18, or 13, it does not confirm that the baby definitely has one of these conditions. To be certain, further diagnostic tests, such as Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis, would be required.

If the NIPT shows a low chance (less than 1 in 10,000) of the baby having trisomy 21, 18, or 13, it is unlikely that the baby has one of these conditions.

How is the early anomaly scan performed?

The early anomaly scan is performed trans-abdominally which means over the tummy.

Why do I need to have the early anomaly scan?

This ultrasound scan is intended for expectant parents who may have concerns about their pregnancy at this stage.

What is the price for the early anomaly scan?

Please see list of all our prices on Treatment fees section

Important information about your appointment:

The early anomaly scan duration is usually 30- 45 minutes in singleton pregnancies.
Scan report will be available immediately with a print-out after your appointment and emailed to your referring doctor email if this has been provided.

2D (black and white) as well as 3D photos will be given to you with no extra charge.

If you are contacting us for a second opinion, please make sure you provide us with your reports before the appointment.

If an assessment of the Cervix is required, then a transvaginal cervical assessment may be performed with an extra charge