Care for pregnant women

informative sensitive counselling

Welcome to The Fetal Medicine Centre

The Fetal Medicine Centre provides care for pregnant women by doctors who have trained in ultrasound scanning and fetal medicine under Professor Kypros Nicolaides.

Our ultrasound scans are performed to the highest standards and are backed up with informative and sensitive counselling.

All profits are donated to the UK charity The Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF).

Ultrasound scans

All our scans are performed by our highly experienced sonographers.

Harmony test
Non-invasive Prenatal Testing - NIPT
The Fetal Medicine Clinic - Ultra Scans

Non-invasive Prenatal Testing

Non-invasive Prenatal Testing analyses cell free DNA in maternal blood and gives a strong indication of whether the baby is at high or low chance of having trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) or trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome).

  • The test identifies 99%, but not all, of the babies with trisomy 21, 98% of babies with trisomy 18 and 90% of babies with trisomy 13.
  • If you decide to have the test you will be asked to sign a consent form by one of our doctors or an appropriately trained member of our staff. We will then draw a small amount of blood from a vein in your arm. This may cause some discomfort but the sample is usually taken very quickly. Sometimes there can be some bruising after a blood sample is taken.

Invasive tests

Chorion villus sampling

Chorion villus sampling (CVS) involves the examination of chorionic villi (placental tissue). Both the baby and placenta (afterbirth) originate from the same cell and so the chromosomes present in the cells of the placenta are the same as those of the baby.


Amniocentesis involves the examination of cells in the fluid from around the fetus (amniotic fluid).
The cells in the amniotic fluid originate from the baby and so the chromosomes present in these cells are the same as those of the baby.

Treatment Fees

Fetal viability scan

(7-10 weeks)


Nuchal test

(11+3 to 13+6 weeks) Includes scan and blood analysis. - In twin pregnancies the cost is £250


Early anomaly scan / reassurance scan

(14 to 19 weeks) With cervical scan £230 - In twin pregnancies the cost is £230 - In twin pregnancies with cervical scan the cost is £380.


Fetal anomaly scan

(20 to 24 weeks) With cervical scan £300 - In twin pregnancies the cost is £300 - In twin pregnancies with cervical scan the cost is £350


Cervical Scan


Fetal Cardiac Scan

(13 to 24 weeks) With extensive consultation £400 - In twin pregnancies the cost is £400 - In twins pregnancies with extensive consultation £500


Fetal wellbeing scan

Includes Doppler. - In twin pregnancies the cost is £230


Chorion villus sampling - CVS

(11 to 15 weeks) Includes scan and sample analysis for fetal karyotype - Please note: there will be additional costs for special investigations such as array CGH (a new method that detects some rare abnormalities which cannot be diagnosed by the traditional fetal karyotype), testing for genetic conditions, such as thalasemia and sickle cell disease and for paternity testing. In twin pregnancies the cost is £900



(16 to 34 weeks) Includes scan and sample analysis for fetal karyotype. - Please note: there will be additional costs for special investigations such as array CGH (a new method that detects some rare abnormalities which cannot be diagnosed by the traditional fetal karyotype), testing for genetic conditions, such as thalasemia and sickle cell disease and for paternity testing. In twin pregnancies the cost is £860


Non-invasive Prenatal Testing + Viability Scan


Non-invasive Prenatal Testing + Nuchal Scan


Non-invasive Prenatal Testing + Early Anomaly Scan


Non-invasive Prenatal Testing + Anomaly scan


Non-invasive Prenatal Testing + Wellbeing scan


Non-invasive Prenatal Testing + Wellbeing scan


Non-invasive Prenatal Testing – Blood Test Only


This Includes the scan and Non-invasive Prenatal Testing undertaken in the same appointment.  Please note in twin pregnancies there is an extra charge of £50.
NIPT is only offered with an ultrasound scan.